
Wöhler DTEST

Dust Surface Density / Cleanliness Level
Order no. 8704

Wöhler DTEST

Set for evaluation of dust surface density / cleanliness level Scope of delivery: scale 30 test cloths 110 x 190 mm each 2 x 50 ml Aceton and Isopropanol magnet disc 100 cm² 2 test cans 1 overhead marker 30 pairs of disposable gloves plastic case
All properties
Weighing on site

No laboratory required

All in one case

Balance, test cloths, solvent, gloves

Meaningful results

Due to high pickup rate

Established process

Procedure mentioned in VDI 6022 sheet 1

Additional Information
Set for evaluation of dust surface density / cleanliness level
Scope of delivery:
30 test cloths 110 x 190 mm
each 2 x 50 ml Aceton and Isopropanol
magnet disc 100 cm²
2 test cans
1 overhead marker
30 pairs of disposable gloves
plastic case