
Wöhler CDL 210 CO2-Data logger

Order no. 6648

Wöhler CDL 210 CO2-Data logger

The Wöhler CDL 210 CO2 Data Logger and the Wöhler CDL 110 Data Monitor are CO2 monitors (also known as CO2 traffic lights) for continuous monitoring of the carbon dioxide concentration (in ppm) and other indoor air quality factors.

  • CO2 monitor with temperature and humidity display
  • Large carbon dioxide (CO2) measuring range up to 9,999 ppm by true infrared CO2 measurement (NDIR)
  • Display of CO2 concentration, temperature and humidity on the large display
  • Accustic and visual alert when the preset carbon dioxide concentration is exceeded
  • CO2 data logger with adjustable log rates (Wöhler CDL 210 only)
  • Protection against data loss in case of power failure (Wöhler CDL 210 only)
  • Wöhler indoor climate software for reading out and evaluating the measured data (Wöhler CDL 210 only)

The CO2 monitor is ideally suited for monitoring the CO2 concentration in buildings. The CO2 content is crucial for determining the indoor air quality and helps to optimize one's own ventilation behavior. Air temperature and humidity are also displayed and support you in a problem analysis (such as discomfort, humidity, mold, concentration problems).

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CO2 Messungen in Wohnräumen
CO2 measuring device for buildings

A comfortable indoor climate is important in rooms where people are present, such as living rooms, schools, offices and public facilities. For this reason, the CO2 measuring device prompts you visually and acoustically to ventilate. The CO2 data logger function (continuous measurement) allows the measured values to be stored over any period of time. The collected data can then be visualized and evaluated in the software.

Due to the exact measured values of CO2 concentration, air temperature and humidity, the CO2 measuring device is also suitable for monitoring commercial, agricultural and industrial plants. Also the natural air exchange of a building can be determined by using carbon dioxide (CO2) injections as tracer gas (trace gas measurement / indicator gas measurement). 

CO2 traffic light

Fresh air against virus-laden aerosols 

Good air quality ensures that the aerosol concentration is as low as possible, as the virus-laden aerosols are diluted. In a healthy room climate, one speaks of CO2 concentrations below 1000 ppm. With the Wöhler CDL 210, in contrast to a simple CO2 traffic light, you always have a close eye on the room climate and the corresponding limit values. The adjustable alarm function reminds you of the supply of fresh air. Thus the spread of viruses (e.g. the corona virus) in closed rooms can be prevented. If required, the logger function can also be used for sustainable documentation in connection with a hygiene concept. 

All properties

Acoustical and visual alarm function

With adjustable limit

Data logger

Comfort level indicator

With adjustable alarm values

Large display

To show CO₂, air humidity, air temperature, date / time

Max / Min-values

Automatic calibration function

Non-volatile memory

Additional Information
for assessing indoor air quality and the ventilation situation, as well as for analysing problems

Scope of delivery:

Wöhler CDL 210 CO2-Data Logger, power supply unit, USB data cable and PC software
Related products
CO2 measurement of ambient air
Further topics:

In addition to oxygen, room air also contains other gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as bacteria, fungal spores and aerosols. The CO2 content is an indicator for the quality of the room air. This gas is produced during the combustion of fossil fuels and also in the organism of living beings. Humans breathe out aerosols and CO2 continuously.  When people stay in a closed room, the composition of the air inevitably changes when they exhale. A high CO2 content in the air leads to lack of concentration, tiredness and headaches. In a good indoor climate, the CO2 concentration should be below 1,000 ppm. Natural fresh air contains about 400 ppm CO2. By frequent ventilation, not only the CO2 content is reduced, but also the virus-laden aerosols in the room air are diluted.  This can prevent the spread of viruses (e.g.: the Corona Virus Sars-CoV-2) in closed rooms.