

with O2 / CO (10,000 ppm with H2 comp.)
Order no. 8702


As easy to operate as a smartphone – that‘s what Wöhler‘s Flue Gas Analyser feels like in your hand. Appropriately, the advantages are equally substantial: A tap with your finger on the Wöhler A 550 L/A 550 is all that is required to perform analyses, inspections and settings in accordance with EN 50379. The robust Wöhler A 550 Flue Gas Analyser offers a variety of measurements e.g. Efficiency-, Emission-, Supply Air-, CO Ambient- and Wood Moisture Testing. The outstanding performance of the analyser is approved and certified by international test house like TÜV and CPA.

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Portable Flue Gas Analyzer with superior accuracy

No matter how you look at it, the new Wöhler A 550 INDUSTRIAL really is a „nifty piece of equipment“: The individual functions can be launched as intuitively as using a smartphone via the large 7" color touchscreen. And the brightly lit monitor can be read anywhere. The large screen, the clear arrangement and the graphical presentation of readings allow excellent readability.

High temperature probe up to 1.200°C

With our new high temperature probe you can perform measurements in environments with a temperature up to 1.200°C. The high variety of different sensors makes the instrument suitable for all your applications.

Battery-driven Peltier cooler

The new battery-driven Peltier cooler ensures both accurate NOX and SOX readings and off-grid flexibility. Filtering the flue gas right behind the probe the Peltier cooler prepares the gas so only dry flue gas will enter the device for a reliable and stable measurement.

High Temperature
for measurements up to 1200 °C
Product ID 2291
for measurements in gases up to 1200 °C
Product ID 2936
for high temperature probe
Product ID 2293
for high temperature probe up to 2 m
Product ID 6599
for high temperature probe
Product ID 2966
Wöhler A 550 Industrial
Product ID 2298

Recommended Accessories
Wöhler A 550 IND Flue Gas Analyser
Product ID 599
for Wöhler A 450 / A 550
Product ID 9695
with stainless steel sinter-filter
Product ID 4189
Product ID 12111
Product ID 12112
Languages EN / FR / IT / CZ
Product ID 4428
1) Except for thermocouples, rechargeable batteries and special sensors; for further information please see our terms and conditions.
Product features:

Flue Gas Analyzer

ready for measurement

Flue Gas Analyzer

configurable basic version 100.000 ppm

Flue Gas Analyzer

configurable basic version 10.000 ppm (H2-compensated)

Scope of

Flue Gas Analyzer
 Peltier cooleroo
 COH 100.000 ppmo
 CON 10.000 ppm (H2-compensatedoo
 CO2 NDIRooo
 Gas probe 1.000 mm with stainless steel sinter-filter (up to 800°C)oo
 High temperature probe 1.000 ppm for measurements (up to 1.200°C)ooo
 Probe extension 1.000 mm (up to 1.200°C)ooo
 Heat protective shieldooo
✔ = included - o = optional

All properties
Flue Gas Analysis App

Data transmission

via USB, WiFi or infrared

Robust Housing


Additional Information
Scope of delivery:
Wöhler A 550 INDUSTRIAL with O2, CO 10,000 ppm with H2 compensation , WLAN, USB- and IR,
Cable hose 3.0 m
Ambient Temperature Probe (plug)
USB-Charger with Micro-USB-Cable
Li-Ion Battery
1 waterstop filter
1 coarse filter
25 wadding filters
Plastic Case Maxi A 550
(without Probe)

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